Gratitudes 2018, Day 13

I want to start this with a “Thank you” instead of gratitude right away. Teresa was wondering why she couldn’t see any gratitudes prior to Day 8 on Facebook. I scrolled through my profile and look, there they are! Then I saw her scroll through my profile and look, there they aren’t! … Wait, what?

I looked closer at my profile page and realized that Facebook was automatically setting the privacy level to “Only You.” I wrote about my near-hit car accident back in June and that showed up just fine. Everything since then… at least the posts were keeping me entertained.

So “Thank you” to Teresa for pointing that out. Everything is fixed and links to all of my gratitudes from the first seven days are available for my Facebook friends to see along with a few prior blog posts. If you haven’t seen them yet (and most people probably haven’t), feel free to go take a look.

And now for the main event!

  1. Washers and dryers. They’re both part of the same clothes-cleaning process, so I stuck ’em together. And I’m grateful for them because I like clean clothes.

  2. Clothes. This was actually inspired by my folding clothes over the weekend. It’s a tedious chore—I wouldn’t mind just shoving everything into drawers if it weren’t for wrinkles—but imagine what life would be like without them. It’d get really cold during the winter, most of the shops at the mall would close and all of those naked cashiers would lose their jobs, playing active sports would become really uncomfortable with various body parts bouncing around a lot more… and what would we do about all of the gas stations and restaurants with “No shirt, no shoes, no service” signs on the door? Nope, definitely better to have clothes.

  3. Nutrition bars. When I don’t have time to sit down for a full meal (or if I’m eating two or three of them in place of a meal), I’m getting a bunch of protein and vitamins and minerals and nutrients and God knows what else they put in those bars that I voluntarily consume and absorb into my body… and some of them taste really good, too.

  4. Stoplights. Because I enjoy driving through intersections without worrying about being involved in near-hits or near-misses. (CRASH!!! “Look, they nearly missed…”)

  5. My phone charger. I’m grateful that I can plug in my phone to recharge the battery so it doesn’t drain all the way out and suddenly I’m stuck with an $800 paperweight.

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