Gratitudes 2018, Day 16

  1. Saved drafts. I’ve been writing these blog entries using the WordPress app, then copying and pasting them into Facebook status updates. What I didn’t realize last night is that I was a little too intent on copying and pasting. I opened the app to start writing this entry tonight, but then it said, “Hey, what you want I should do with these unsaved changes?” One quick check online later and I realized I forgot to hit “Publish” after I finished writing it. So two entries for the price of one on my blog!

  2. The last minute. For as long as there have been assigned tasks, there have been deadlines. For as long as there have been deadlines, there have been last minutes before them. For as long as there have been last minutes, there have been students crying silently at midnight because their 20-page term papers were due by 11:59 p.m. (And also people like me trying to finish their gratitudes one finger tap at a time…)

  3. Showers. Technically, I think I was grateful for this once before, but in that case, it was for the sake of rinsing off sweat. This time, I was rinsing off hair. Lots and lots and lots of tiny little hairs that seemed desperate to hang on to my head after they’d been set free by a pair of scissors.

  4. Haircuts. Because what better way to set your hair free? Sure, I suppose you could shave it off… get it caught up in some farm equipment… extreme case of radiation poisoning… you know what? I’m cool with just a haircut.

  5. Hair “product”. Expensive gunk that you can put it in your hair to make it stay in place. (Insert Something About Mary joke here.)

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