Gratitudes 2018, Day 18

  1. Weekends. It’s such a great feeling to get up, get dressed, take the dogs out, then when I get to the point when I’d pack up my stuff for work, I can shrug, say “Meh…”, then go lay down on the bed and watch videos on YouTube for a couple hours.

  2. Clean dishes. Shhhhh… don’t tell Teresa or she might start raising her expectations. Wait… she’s going to read this… Hi, honey! I love you!

  3. Bird feeders. We’ve got nine hanging on posts that we’ve attached to the railing of our patio, so while eating at the dinner table, we can look outside and see a whole bunch of birds joining us for our evening meal. (Sadly, it feels like one of them is almost like a sacrificial lamb, but squirrels seem willing to eat out of just the one as long as we keep it filled.)

  4. Birds. They’re pretty, they’re great singers, they’re fun to watch and they make excellent dinner guests.

  5. Sandals. Easy to put on and take off for walking dogs, they let my feet breathe in warm, sweaty weather and they’re pretty stylish, too. Sure, they leave weird tan lines on my feet, but it’s worth it.

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