Gratitudes 2018, Day 39

  1. Rick and Tasha’s wedding. Yesterday gave us a wonderful and joyous event and I’m super happy for both of them.

  2. The amazing venue (aka, her sister’s family’s backyard). They took an industrial-sized lawnmower… at least that’s what I’m assuming. They had to clear the brush somehow and I didn’t see a gigantic herd of goats anywhere. However they did it, they cleared enough space for a path, cleared the space here for the wedding arch and a bunch of chairs… the stream was already there and the sunshine was a gift from above.

  3. Sunglasses. It could have been yucky and rainy outside, but the sun was out and I was really, really glad I brought my sunglasses from the car. Bringing the car’s A/C unit might have been nice as well, but I’m grateful for the sunglasses.

  4. Bluetooth technology. “Here comes the bride, turn on the music!” Tap on the iPad a few times… a few more times… hold up the iPad and point it toward the audience because the speaker’s not— “BLUETOOTH CONNECTED.” Okay, the speaker’s working fine now.

  5. Three-day weekends. We woke up on Saturday morning, spent a few hours getting ready, left home and got back about 5:45 on Sunday. A few hours here, go to bed, wake up and start the work week anew. Except tomorrow is Labor Day, so we can sleep in a bit longer, then start cleaning and doing laundry and other chores around the house… okay, so it might feel like part of the work week, but at least we get to sleep in.

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