Gratitudes 2018, Day 43

So what happens when you find the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything… and then keep going? Throw in the towel?! I think not!

  1. Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. A fun five-book trilogy that ultimately resulted in the terrible joke above. So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish, please tip your waitstaff, I’ll be here for at least another 42 days. Unless the world explodes, in which case [insert towel joke here].

  2. Douglas Adams, author of said five-book trilogy. Thanks for being such an enabler of terrible jokes, Mr. Adams. And for providing me with an easy way to cull the number of “friends” I have on Facebook: a lot of them unfriended me after reading those terrible jokes above.

  3. Replacement office chairs. There were three of us contractors who worked in ADel over the whole summer, one of whom missed work when we came back to Pubs on Tuesday. When she came back, a lot of stuff had been taken by various people, including all of the good chairs: the only ones left… let’s just say they were bad. So she and I took a walk back to ADel, where they have a surplus of chairs just sitting against a wall. Well, we accosted the chair she’d been using the last few months, I rolled one of the chairs that was against the wall into its place, then we rolled the chair all the way across the building so she could use it in Pubs.

  4. The supply room at work. They sometimes run out of stuff in high demand like boxes of tissues, but the room was fully stocked this morning. Need an extra pad of paper? Check! Post-It notes? Check! Four different colors of pens? Check! A small Guatemalan child? … Nope, still out of those.

  5. Cheese-curd brats. Every other Thursday, work has a food truck parked in the back lot for lunch. Some days, the food options don’t seem very appetizing. Today, I wanted to try a brat that had Ellsworth cheese curds cooked into it. Yummy.

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