Gratitudes 2018, Day 46

It’s late, time for a quickie! (That’s what she said…)

  1. My grandma. She’ll be turning 101 later this month and I cherish her deeply.

  2. Grandma’s birthday party. It was about a week and a half early, but when you’re trying to get a lot of extended family members together at the same time, sometimes the date needs to be a little flexible. But there was good food, good fellowship and good fun. And cake. That was good, too.

  3. Birthday cake. Because it’s cake.

  4. Crazy Uncle Jon. There are plenty of reasons he’s earned that nickname, but in this case, I’m really glad that he organized the party.

  5. Berkley and Sophie. I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned them before, but I’m grateful for them this time because Grandma loves them. Her vision is terrible and getting worse, but she can see that they have such big, brown eyes… The place she lives now is pet-friendly, so they joined us for the party, behaved extremely well and put a smile on Grandma’s face.

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