Gratitudes 2018, Day 58

I’m back! One funeral and one wedding are in the books, so hopefully it’s back to the usual grind again.

  1. The usual grind. There aren’t any joyful weddings, but there also aren’t any “celebrate a person’s life” gatherings because said person just died. It’s a time when things can feel neutral, but it also allows you to make your own happiness.

  2. Funerals. I know, #1 kinda conflicts with this, but I’m grateful that I got to see a bunch of people there who I haven’t seen in… it’s been a very long time. It’s a sad reason to be there, but having a chance to talk with so many of them—even for a little bit—was really nice.

  3. Weddings. An even better opportunity to see a bunch of people there who I haven’t seen in… well, the one yesterday was a friend’s son, so I only knew a few people, but for weddings in general, it’s a happier reason to visit with a lot of distant friends and relatives.

  4. Ice. Today was my first soccer game in almost seven years and I didn’t used to feel the same tweaks, bumps and bruises. (Funny how not being in “soccer shape” can do that to a person…) I’ve always been a fast healer, but I’m still grateful for putting an ice pack on my knee to limit the achy soreness that rears its ugly head after the adrenaline wears off.

  5. Adrenaline. I can take a lickin’ and keep on tickin’ for about ten minutes after the final whistle blows. That’s when I start feeling all gimpy. But even with my limping while walking the dog tonight, it was totally worth it.

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