Knowing your station in life

With such a long break between Sunday afternoon’s show and a Friday night performance, we had a brush-up on Wednesday to go through our lines—a brief and informal refresher, if you will. And it was definitely informal. Informal to the point of making up lines as we went along.

For example, an exchange might normally go “You shouldn’t do that” and “Oh, but I want to.” Wednesday night, we’d usually say something like “You shouldn’t do that” and “Okay, I won’t… oh, but I want to.” It was a hoot, but if it had been a group of strangers versus our cast, I could have ended up in a lot of trouble.

At one point, I encourage someone to go into the kitchen and she normally responds with a hesitant “Oooookay…” This time, she asked, “What do I look like to you?” The setup was so good, I couldn’t help but blurt out, “You look like a woman! Now go in the kitchen and get me a samwich!” I then proceeded to laugh myself to tears.

Of course, some people were insensitive enough to point out, “So that’s why you’re single!”, so maybe not all of those tears were from laughter.

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