Dear Tiffany…

Back in “What were you thinking?!”, Tiffany felt the need to clarify a few things, but pondering alone could not provide the answers she sought. I understand she’d already tried beating her head against a door frame to shuffle some brain cells into the proper locations and reach an epiphany, but after being released from the hospital, she chose another (and hopefully better) source of information: me. If I’m lucky, I’ll satisfy some people’s quest for knowledge; if not, there could be more cracked door frames across the nation in the immediate future.

1- Did anyone in the house think it was notably bizarre how upset Erica was over leaving her seemingly lifelong love Brad, who she realistically knew for like 6 days? BTW, he was the man of my dreams until his sudden herpes breakout… What the heck was that anyway? After effects of Erica? Hmmm……

In all honesty, how they clicked wasn’t all that strange to me. I can attest to multiple times when I’ve fallen hard for a girl I’d just met. Sometimes nothing would come of it, sometimes we’d end up dating for a little while before I realized, “This is stupid! I don’t want to be in a relationship with her!”

I’m not sure if this’ll make sense for people, but I make a distinction between “infatuation” and “love.” Infatuation is immediate and often fleeting; love is a very deep connection that lasts and lasts and lasts… love is like an emotional Energizer bunny. Were they infatuated with each other? Most likely. Will that bloom into a loving relationship? It’ll be a while before we know.

As for the “herpes breakout,” I’m told that wasn’t the case. Someone was watching the show in Hi-Def and could tell it wasn’t a cold sore—it looked more like an open wound. (I swear, I didn’t try to give him a mouthful of Chiclets…)

2- What realistically makes one a “geek”? What was the interview process? What did they ask you? I am just curious as to the assessment process of identifying and branding one a “geek”.

There are a lot of factors that can make someone a “geek,” though the more I’ve thought about it, the more I’ve come to believe that it’s an overall mindset, someone’s complete character versus various “geeky” activities he might engage in. As for the interview process and what not, I’ve written down almost everything that’s happened in earlier “Beauty & The Geek” posts.

3- Why does Lauren always appear to be so shocked whenever a competition is introduced? It would seem that by now she understands the premise of the show….

I think it’s the same reason why I always either laugh or drop my head and moan. It’s not the premise of the show—it’s the subject that’s been introduced. I had no idea they’d ever make the guys buy women’s clothing; I imagine Lauren hadn’t the slightest idea she’d have to learn anything about rockets. Having something like that sprung on you… it’s not something you can prepare for. I would imagine that most people had shocked looks on their faces—they just showed hers because they liked her reaction, much like they usually showed me laughing or dropping my head and moaning.

Hopefully, that’s answered most of your questions. Now get a hammer and some nails and put that door frame back together.

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