[As handwritten on Feb. 26th]
First off, I have to come clean and admit that I’ve done more than check my e-mail on my laptop. I’ve taken a look at the blog’s stats a couple times, see how many people have visited, delete spam, etc. I’m also using it to listen to music as I write this, but I had given myself permission to use my mp3 player during this weekend when I wasn’t allowed to surf the web or watch TV. There’s just one problem.
There’s no music on my mp3 player.
I’ve been using it to listen to an audio book and never got around to switching/deleting those files and replacing them with music, so… I’m cheating a little.
Honestly, I’ve been surprised at the siren’s song which is my computer. I went to bed early last night since I was tired, didn’t sleep well and eventually woke up around 3AM. Normally, I’d probably open the laptop and surf the Internet for a couple hours until I got tired again. This time (after a minor internal struggle), I read a book for a while, then rolled around in bed until I finally fell asleep.
When I woke up this morning, my first impulse was to check my e-mail. After hitting the snooze bar a couple times, of course. That was a little disturbing, to be honest. If it happens again tomorrow morning, I may want to consider signing up for EA: E-mailers Anonymous.
I’ve been fortunate in one sense because I have some friends who are moving into a new house this weekend, so I’ve been helping them pack and carry stuff, thereby keeping me away from computers. (Thankfully, I devised the experiment so I can use my phone. If I hadn’t, I would have been fucked—it’s important to know which house I should go to at which time if I’m going to help.)
There’s also a downside to helping them move (isn’t there always something?): I’m writing this by hand now and typing it out later, which means that sore hands and arms from lifting and carrying = hand cramps while writing.
So it’s true that I’ve been doing some more reading and other stuff that doesn’t involve having a computer in my lap. However, I miss the immediate access to information. I’ve had some conversations the last few days and I’m left to wonder when “Uncle Sam” was created as a kind of icon to represent the U.S.
I was also talking with someone about X-Men: First Class coming out this year and how we’re both disappointed that Kevin Bacon is in the film. She’s more upset about his presence; I don’t like the fact that he’s playing Sebastian Shaw. He’s supposed to have a more physically imposing presence than Kevin Bacon can muster, but I can’t just jump on Marvel’s website or Wikipedia to show pictures of them next to each other. (When I type this out as a blog entry, I’ll include some pics so you guys can understand what I’m talking about.)

I guess that’s all for now. I’m looking forward to typing this (and other stuff) since it’s faster and more efficient, but I doubt that having to wait will lead to any twitching or sweating. The lack of Internet porn, though… go ahead, make a joke about the hand cramps. Then I can make a joke about having two hands. Now which one of us is gonna have trouble sleeping tonight? (It’ll probably still be me—not using the computer makes me want to go to bed earlier and it’s totally messing with my sleep schedule.)
cheater! with loop holes..
reading without audio and writing long hand is good for you!