Censorship Sucks!

Technically, I guess I’m not being censored at this point, but…

Earlier today, a friend from the production company called after she checked out the blog and all the “Beauty & The Geek” entries. She recommended that because they’re casting for the second season, it would probably be safer if I took down the entries explaining how I got onto the show. Some potential contestants might have expectations after what they read, so if something happens or doesn’t happen the way I wrote it, they might get confused and/or pissed off, mention that they heard something different from me and then we’re both screwed, which for me could mean the blog getting shut down.

This is some serious irony, if you ask me:
I wrote a bunch of blog entries about how I got cast on B&tG.
Because it did so well, a lot of people have read this blog.
Also because it did so well, they’re casting for a second season.
If potential contestants for the second season read certain blog entries, I might get in trouble.
Therefore, because the show did so well, I might get in trouble.

It’s possible that nothing would happen, but to avoid incurring the wrath of the bloodthirsty lawyers, I privatized the pre-“in L.A.” entries describing the casting process so no one can read them. In addition: DISCLAIMER: The casting process will be different for each potential contestant, so don’t rely on anything I’ve written previously. If that doesn’t keep me out of trouble… anyone got a spare crucifix?

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