Blog under construction

I’m making more changes beyond playing with the theme this time around. For starters, I’m finally reposting the entries from Feb ’06 to Feb ’07. I saved them all onto my computer when I first wrote them on, but for some reason, I didn’t get that entire year’s worth of material on here.

Second, I’m going to play with the categories a little and add some tags to make it easier to surf through entries to find various topics. Even I don’t know the different kinds of posts that are in the Blatherings category and I’m the one who made it.

That may be the extent of the changes, but getting it all finished could take a while. Thankfully, I’m between classes at Augsburg, so it won’t be interfering with classwork. I’ve got the next couple days free to use at my discretion and this stuff has been on my plate for a while. Hope you enjoy the final result when it’s finished. (I hope I do, too.)

3 Replies to “Blog under construction”

  1. Shawn– I’ve been considering purchasing a domain name and web hosting services for a while now, but have never found the time to sit down and do it. My main usage would be, of course, as a blogging forum, and WordPress seems to be the most popular software of choice out there. Do you find it generally feature-rich and user-friendly?

    1. Once I got WordPress updated to 3.0 (there were some issues with the server), it became a lot more useful with many more options and features to play with, so yes, I highly recommend it.

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