S2, Episode 7: Never Eat Shredded Wheat

In case you’re confused about the heading, go around a compass clockwise and the capital letters correspond with the directions. Hey, it seemed just as cool as “The sun rises Early in the East” and “P-A-cific is the order of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans” when I was little.

Fare thee well, Ankur and Jennipher. I’d say “We barely knew thee,” but… come to think of it, we barely knew thee. Given how many weeks you spent in front of all those cameras, you didn’t spend much time on our TV screens. The same goes for everyone else, of course, but since you’re the couple who left this episode, “We barely knew thee.”

After seeing all the ways Ankur has played with his facial hair, I give the Fu-Manchu mustache top honors.

Josh takes a stand: “I’m nobody’s bitch. I’ll go down there when I’m ready. … Okay, I’m ready.”

I thought having everyone making a tape to give their partner a “good-bye gift” was a really cool idea. I remember watching Season 1 on TV and gaining a lot of insight about what happened with everyone else during the course of the show. (The people watching all the camera feeds knew a helluva lot more than I did.) I also thought it was pretty funny how some of the guys were running around, looking for multiple locations to record parts of their goodbyes and make them a more visually appealing production. Geeks…

I’m not sure how many of you have ever looked at the Internet Movie Database, but it’s got credits for about a gajillion movies and TV shows in there. (If you look up Beauty and the Geek, you’ll find me! And if you look up me, you’ll find Beauty and the Geek!) I’m not sure if Season 2 is listed yet, but given his appearances on camera during the challenge, I wonder if Ankur and Jennipher’s driver will get credit as an extra… Gotta give the girl props, though—she didn’t quit. It may have taken many, many, many hours, but they found all the stores and got back home alive.

It looks like Cher is finally softening up. Naturally, this may have started happening much earlier, but that’s the joy of reality TV—the editors can show clips in whatever order they want to make things more interesting. If you don’t think so, go back through all the tapes and compare how people’s clothing changes between interviews versus between episodes. Regardless, she seems to gained some knowledge during the course of the show and that’s what this “social experiment” is all about.

As a final note, I busted out laughing at how Ankur determined what color the diamond was: “The question came up, so it’s not clear… it’s probably a girly, romantic color… pink.”

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