Press release

I briefly mentioned my trip up to Toronto in an earlier blog entry: I was contacted via Myspace about auditioning for a role in a movie and was for some unknown reason cast, so I’m going back for shooting it in September. (Now all I need is to be featured in a comic book and all of my life’s goals will have been achieved!)

However, I’ll also be flying back up in July to Oh Canada, my non-home-nor-native-laaaaand… Rumor has it that movies cost lots and lots of money to produce—I’m lucky if I get food from the craft services table as an extra, so I’m not the person to ask—so Jessica Hudson (the writer/director/producer/craft services provider) has set up an event that will hopefully raise some cash that might pay off some of the interest on the loans she’s taking out to make this movie.

Jessica made an independent film a couple years back called Drop Dead Roses. That was yet another film made in Canada, but because there weren’t enough Canadian actors playing major roles, it was only released in the U.S. What a bunch of hosers, eh? That’s not to say that no one in Canada saw it, but it didn’t make it beyond the premiere screening in Toronto. Thus, the way to make lots of cash… is to have another screening.

What’s cool about having the screening is that the higher-ups in… uhhh… Toronto-wood… decided that all of the proceeds for the screening would go towards the production of the upcoming film. Since I’m part of said upcoming film, Jessica asked me to join her and the rest of the cast for the sake of publicity.

I imagine some of you are thinking “Hey, Shawn, all publicity is good publicity!” right now. I want you to stop it. As tempting as it might be to head to a bar and start kicking the shit out of some drunk dudes (quite literally if they’ve been eating too many peanuts that night), there are a couple other people from DDR who will be more than happy to provide that sort of entertainment. No, I’m there for the legitimate stuff. (Go ahead, take a moment to sigh and get it out of your system…)

3 Replies to “Press release”

  1. Congratulations on your role in this film. I was just watching a rerun of the first season of Beauty and the Geek here in Iceland and starting thinking WHERE ARE THEY NOW???? So it would be nice if you would post a “where are they now” segment on your blog. Are you in touch with any of the other contestants from the show?

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