Vacation plans shot to hell

I have a friend who’s getting married in Las Vegas on April 3rd. My parents and I had considered buying me a round-trip ticket that’d fly me in and out the same day. However, they were heading out a couple days early and overshooting the final destination: Los Angeles on March 30th. They could cruise around, visit some friends and family, then use a rental car to make the four-hour drive up to Vegas.

“Hey, I know plenty of people in that area! I lived with a bunch of them locked in a big mansion for up to two weeks! I can hang out with them, spend a night on a couple couches, then meet up with my parents on the 2nd for driving to Vegas. What an awesome idea!” Or so it seemed at the time.

I first wrote to everyone about my trip a few weeks ago and got an immediate response from Lauren—she was flying out to Texas that weekend. “Well, there are still plenty of people who I can stay with for three nights.” It still seemed like a good idea until early this week.

I finally wrote an e-mail directly to the few people left on my official “wanna visit” list and got the worst possible responses. (They responded, so they weren’t dead, but what they had to say was still bad.) I already had a confirmation from Tyson (from Season 2), but something happened and he had to leave (but I was still welcome to stay with his roommates). Caitilin wrote to tell me that she’s heading to Cabo that weekend. Then Erika let me know that while she and Scarlet would love to hang out with me, they don’t have space for a living room, let alone a couch, so no spending the night at their place.

Now I have a rental car for a couple days with nowhere to go and nowhere to sleep. Well, that’s a bit of an exaggeration. I think I can stay in a hotel with my parents on the 30th since they’re visiting with my cousin who lives in the area. (They might have to sneak me in past management since I wasn’t on the reservation, but I’ve always been a bit of a rebel… a very small bit, mind you, but still a bit…) So that’s one night. I’ve chatted with someone from San Diego a couple times and if I gave her a ring, she might be willing to accommodate me for a couple days. Plus the car has a back seat that wouldn’t be long enough, but I betcha I could curl up and snooze for a few hours before my legs started cramping and I woke up screaming…

Still, I’m pissed! This was supposed to be an awesome trip and I’d be able to visit some friends who I haven’t seen since we taped the Aftermath! And everyone’s leaving! Crappity crap crap crap!!! And if the weather sucks, I think that’ll be a sign that God wants me to stay the hell away from that part of the country for the rest of my life. Unless I’m locked up with security cameras on me 24-7. I could always get arrested for slashing the tires on the rental car, given that I don’t have to drive anywhere anymore…

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